Welcome to Sila Productions

Sharon Boeckle founded Sila Productions after more than fifteen years experience in the study and teaching of writing and literary analysis, which led to a career in the art of storytelling through journalism, film, and fiction.
Her work as a videographer and photographer includes numerous clients in various industries, including TravelChannel.com, Florida travel and tourism organizations, international businesses, real estate professionals, world renowned hotels, and restauranteurs. Her award-winning feature documentary, From The Kill Pen, exposes the underground horse slaughter pipeline in the United States. Her 2013 documentary, Vendemmia, explores the Cinque Terre region of Italy and its struggle for sustainable tourism.
Sharon’s experience as a writer includes multiple screenplays, one of which, The Single Chick’s Guide to Italy, has now been adapted into a novel. She has written articles and web content for non-profits such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, for entertainment industry leaders, and for international clients in the tourism industry.
In founding Sila Productions, Sharon chose a name which reminds us that in making our daily living, we have an obligation to seek the highest level of integrity and only embrace practices which elevate and honor the human experience, and avoid any which exploit or otherwise inflict harm.
Sila Productions promises to its clients the highest level of integrity, timeliness, and professionalism.